

Saskatchewan, Canada


Nutrien Ltd.



Asset Profile  
2024 Royalty Revenue C$0.1 million
Annual Production Capacity 3.0 million tonnes
Estimated Mine Life 177 years (Proven and Probable reserves)

Vanscoy is a conventional underground mining operation located approximately 25 km southwest of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The operation has produced muriate of potash for over 50 years. Expansion activities at the mine site resulted in expansion of nameplate capacity to 3.0 million tonnes, compared to 2020 finished potash production of 0.5 million tonnes. 

Royalty rates for all the potash assets are set by the province of Saskatchewan (3% in 2019), and are the function of the number of tonnes owned under unitization agreements × price × indexed multiplier. See The Subsurface Mineral Royalty Regulations, 2017