

Metallurgical Coal


British Columbia, Canada


Bathurst Resources Limited (ASX:BRL)

Royalty Details

  • Terms: Altius holds 1.5% to 3% price-based sliding scale Gross Sales Royalty on the Telkwa/Tenas Project area. In addition to the royalty, there are substantial milestone-based equity/cash payments to be received.

Asset Highlights

  • Altius effectively sold the Telkwa project in 2015 to a private Australian group who then went public via Allegiance Coal (ASX:AHQ) in 2017. Thereafter, Allegiance completed a number of technical and financial studies including a Definitive Feasibility Study in the first quarter of 2019 which highlighted robust project economics - DFS 2019. In late 2023, Telkwa was effectively acquired by Bathurst Resources (ASX:BRL), a specialist coal company currently producing in New Zealand . Further information on Bathurst and its Telkwa/Tenas development plans are available here.


The Telkwa/Tenas metallurgical coal project (Project) is located on the western side of British Columbia easily accessible to the international Port of Prince Rupert, which is a relatively short shipping distance to the Asian steel mills.

Bathurst Resources (ASX:BRL) recently acquired the project and have announced plans to advance the project as described here.

Types of Coal

Telkwa Project Location